Friday, December 7, 2018


Olive the Other Reindeer
Toddler Book Unit

Olive is merrily preparing for Christmas when suddenly she realizes "Olive... the other Reindeer... I thought I was a dog. Hmmm, I must be a Reindeer!" So she quickly hops aboard the polar express and heads to the Nor th Pole. And while Santa and the other reindeer are a bit surprised that a dog wants to join the their team, in the end Olive and her unusual reindeer skills are just what Santa and his veteran reindeer team need.

15 pages color and trace font 96 
2 color and trace the words 
Alphabet trace upper/lowercase
Circle the largest/smallest 
Color-cut-glue big or little
What comes next?
Number practice 1-10 each page is a number color- trace
Scissor practice
Trace the lines

16 Vocabulary cards for sequencing & retelling story
Puppet Sticks
Book used: “Olive, The Other Reindeer”
By Vivian Walsh


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