Thursday, June 16, 2022


by Julia Donaldson

Zog is a young dragon who attends Dragon School with several other dragons and is taught by Madame Dragon. Zog wishes to earn one of Madame Dragon's gold stars. In the first year, Zog and his classmates are taught to fly. Zog tries to fly but nearly falls, but is saved by Madame Dragon, who gives a gold star to a young green dragon, who was the best flyer.

Trace and color Madam Dragon 
Trace and color Zog
Trace and color Princess Pearl 
Trace and color knight
Trace and color learning to fly 
Trace and color learning to roar 
Z is for Zog
P is for Princess Pearl
K is for knight
F is for flying
M is for Madam Dragon
Alphabet practice upper and lowercase
Alphabet Maze Zz
Dot Dauber Fun Letter Zz
Cut out the letter Z
Trace and color the zebra
Numbers 1-5 Paste pictures under correct number
Numbers 6-10 Paste pictures under correct numbers
3 pages Color in the 10 frame with the correct number of dots 
2 pages trace the lines
2 pages matching color-cut-glue
1 page circle and color what is smallest
1 page circle and color what is largest
2 pages What comes next? color-cut-paste
4 pages Working with numbers 1-10 Count and color
Trace numbers 1-15
4 pages Scissor practice
18 Picture Cards for Pocket Chart
8 Comprehension Questions
3 Puzzles
Puppet Sticks in color for students to retell story


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