Sunday, August 22, 2021




Blue Truck is a joyful cacophony of animal and truck sounds that will have youngsters beeping and quacking—and begging for one more go-round! Along the way, readers see that it pays to be kind to our animal friends . . . if we show a friendly respect to others, we’re more likely to get help when we’re, say, stuck in the muck in a truck. Jill McElmurry’s gouache illustrations of wild-eyed farm animals and country roads are warm and wonderful, suiting the cheerfully rhyming text to a T. Beep! Amazon Book Review

Trace and color blue truck

Trace and color the cow

Trace and color the duck

Trace and color stuck

Trace and color toad

Trace and color horse

Trace and color the dump truck

Trace and color the goat

Trace and color the pit

Trace and color the sheep

Trace and color the chicken
T is for toad

D is for duck
C is for chicken
S is for sheep
Alphabet practice upper and lowercase
Alphabet Maze Tt
Dot Dauber Fun Letter Tt
Cut out the letter T
Trace and Color the truck
Numbers 1-5 Paste pictures under correct number
Numbers 6-10 Paste pictures under correct numbers
3 pages Color in the 10 frame with the correct number of dots 

2 pages trace the lines
2 pages matching –color-cut-glue
1 page circle and color what is smallest
1 page circle and color what is largest
2 pages What comes next? color-cut-paste
Trace numbers 1-15
4 pages Scissor practice
17 Pocket Chart Picture Strips
Comprehension Questions
3 Puzzles
Puppet Sticks in color for students to retell story


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