Sunday, August 15, 2021



by David Shannon

One day down on the farm, Duck got a wild idea. "I bet I could ride a bike," he thought. He waddled over to where the boy parked his bike, climbed on and began to ride. At first he rode slowly and he wobbled a lot, but it was fun! Duck rode past Cow and waved to her. "Hello, Cow!" said Duck. "Moo," said Cow. But what she thought was, "A duck on a bike? That's the silliest thing I've ever seen!"

And so Duck rides past sheep, horse, and all the other barnyard animals. Suddenly, a group of kids ride by on their bikes and run into the farmhouse, leaving the bikes outside. What will happen now? Amazon Book Review

Trace and color cat
Trace and color the cow
Trace and color the horse
Trace and color the sheep
Trace and color the tractor
Trace and color the mouse
Trace and color the duck
P is for pig
D is for duck
T is for tractor
B is for bike
M is for mouse
Alphabet practice upper and lowercase
Alphabet Maze Dd
Dot Dauber Fun Letter Dd
Cut out the letter D
Trace and color duck
Numbers 1-5 Paste pictures under correct number
Numbers 6-10 Paste pictures under correct numbers
3 pages Color in the 10 frame with the correct number of dots 
2 pages trace the lines
2 pages matching color-cut-glue
1 page circle and color what is smallest
1 page circle and color what is largest
2 pages What comes next? color-cut-paste
4 pages Working with numbers 1-10 Count and color
Trace numbers 1-15
4 pages Scissor practice
14 Picture Cards
Comprehension Questions
3 Puzzles
Puppet Sticks for students to retell story in color


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