The Giving Snowman
by Julia Zheng
On a snowy night, Snowman lends a helping hand to Bird, Rabbit, Farmer, and Traveler when they are in need. The next day when the sun comes out and melts Snowman, Bird, Rabbit, Farmer, and Traveler work together as a team to rebuild Snowman. The Giving Snowman is a book about kindness and gratitude. ...
B is bird
C is for carrot
F is for Farmer
S is for Snowman
T is for Traveler
Alphabet Maze Ss
Dot Dauber Fun Ss
Trace the letter S
Trace or Cutout the snail
3 pages of alphabet practice upper and lowercase
4 pages of math counting objects 1-8
2 pages trace the lines
2 pages matching –color-cut-glue
Circle and color what is smallest
Circle and color what is largest
2 pages what comes next? color-cut-paste
Circle and color what is smallest
Circle and color what is largest
2 pages what comes next? color-cut-paste
Trace numbers 1-15
4 pages scissor practice
15 Color Vocabulary cards
Puppet Sticks