Monday, February 10, 2025


Lying Up a STORM

by Julia Cook

A storm is brewing... Whenever Levi doesn't like the truth, he kinda, sorta makes up other stuff to say. One day his mother explains to him that telling lies will damage the trust of his friends and make him very sad.

"Whenever you tell a lie, your inside sun goes away.
Then a lying cloud forms, and glooms up your day.
Each time you tell a lie, another cloud starts to form,
and before you can stop it from happening, your insides start to storm.” Amazon Book Review

Trace and color Levi
Trace and color teacher
Trace and color lying about trip
Trace and color mom
Trace and color friends
Trace and color lying at home
Trace and color inside storm
Trace and color book bag
H is for home
M is for mom
L is for Levi
S is for storm
L is for lying at home
F is for friends
Alphabet practice upper and lowercase
Alphabet Maze Ll
Dot Dauber Fun Letter Ll
Cut out the letter L
Trace and color the ladybug
Numbers 1-5 Paste pictures under correct number
Numbers 6-10 Paste pictures under correct numbers
3 pages Color in the 10 frame with the correct number of dots 2 pages trace the lines
2 pages matching 
1 page circle and color what is smallest
1 page circle and color what is largest
2 pages What comes next? color-cut-paste
Trace numbers 1-15
2 pages Scissor practice
15 Picture Cards
Comprehension Questions
3 Puzzles
Puppet Sticks in color for students to retell story
Clipart by MissClipArt


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