Monday, February 3, 2025


The Day the Crayons Came Home
by Drew Daywalt
I'm not sure what it is about this kid Duncan, but his crayons sure are a colorful bunch of characters! Having soothed the hurt feelings of one group who threatened to quit, Duncan now faces a whole new group of crayons asking to be rescued. From Maroon Crayon, who was lost beneath the sofa cushions and then broken in two after Dad sat on him; to poor Turquoise, whose head is now stuck to one of Duncan's stinky socks after they both ended up in the dryer together; to Pea Green, who knows darn well that no kid likes peas and who ran away—each and every crayon has a woeful tale to tell and a plea to be brought home to the crayon box. Amazon Book Review
Trace and color postcard Trace and color Maroon Crayon Trace and color Pea Green Trace and color Neon Red Trace and color Yellow and Orange Trace and color Burnt Sienna Trace and color Esteban the Magnificent Trace and color home for crayons H is for home M is for Maroon P is for Pea Green S is for Sienna P is for postcard Alphabet practice upper and lowercase Alphabet Maze Cc Dot Dauber Fun Letter Cc Cut out the letter C Trace and color the candy Numbers 1-5 Paste pictures under correct number Numbers 6-10 Paste pictures under correct numbers 3 pages Color in the 10 frame with the correct number of dots
2 pages trace the lines 2 pages matching –color-cut-glue 1 page circle and color what is smallest 1 page circle and color what is largest 2 pages What comes next? color-cut-paste Trace numbers 1-15 2 pages Scissor practice 16 Picture Cards Comprehension Questions 3 Puzzles Puppet Sticks in color for students to retell story


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